Passionate and emotional. I like to write about events
that happen and the effect they have on the lives of my characters. In Magnolia
House after Jane Leonard gave half of her house to her only son, nothing
prepared her for the consequences of this generous gift. In Satchfield Hall,
Celia Bryant-Smythe’s indiscretion with her lover sets in motion a chain of
event that will take a lifetime to unravel. And, Sometimes It Happens… winning
the lottery changed Doreen Wilkinson’s life, but not in the way she had
expected. I like to hope my books will make readers smile, maybe laugh out loud
from time to time and maybe shed a tear or two!
2. Do you have a typical writing routine or any
superstitions like a lucky pen or notebook?
No to both really. Though, I prefer to write in the
late afternoon mainly because most of my commitments of the day are dealt with
by then. I can’t settle to write if things are still buzzing around in my head.
As for anything lucky, well our two little doggies normally curl up with me!
3. You have a blog, facebook and Twitter page, do you
think that social networking has become more important to authors and what do
you enjoy about it?
Today, social networking is essential to create
awareness of my books and for me to get to know people and people to get to
know of me. In the last couple of years I have met some amazing peeps on
Twitter and Facebook and some I would even call friends. I have even sold a few
books there too! Living down here on our little pebble in the ocean can feel a
little cut off so it is great to talk to like minded people about books and
4. You are just one of 30 authors who have been asked
to join loveahappyending.com can you
tell us a little about the site and what it means to you?
I am really honoured to be one of the 30 authors
invited to show case my writing. Loveahappyending.com is a new and exciting web
site that concentrates on two main areas: reader power and helping new authors
to the market place. Readers are welcomed to join the group as Associate
Readers. Being an Associate Reader means you can get involved with the authors,
finding out what goes on behind the scenes and so much more. Social Media plays
an important role for getting messages out there about the authors, their books
and reviews. Of recent there has also been some media coverage too.
Loveahappyending.com is international there are Associate Readers and authors
from the UK, USA, Canada and even me from the Canary Isles! If anyone is
interested in becoming an Associate Reader, please visit www.loveahappyending.com There is
so much going on. In fact, I am the editor for the online chatty magazine The
Fizz and also Head of Communications. Everyone in the group gets involved
giving some of their time to making sure this amazing initiative is a great
success for all involved.
5. Finally, what books do you like reading yourself,
do you have a particular favourite?
I love murder mystery, thrillers, sagas, quite a mixed
bag, but this year I have read mainly new author books on my Kindle! And I can
say there are some amazing books out there, many of the books are debut novels
from unknown authors. Great reads all of them.
Pauline has just told
me that with her new editor, Jo Field she is re-editing and re-polishing
Magnolia House and Satchfield Hall. I asked her why?
For my latest book
Sometimes It Happens…I had the wonderful Helen Hollick who was my mentor and
editor and she helped me make this book sparkle and I want my other two novels
to have that same high polish. I will re-launch both books later this year with
new covers too. These will be designed by Avalon Graphics, Cathy Helm who
designed that fabby cover for Sometimes It Happens… I am also working on my
book 4. It’s a busy, but an exciting time!
Nice interview. Pauline's certainly lucky where she lives. It must be a great to be able to sit and the sun all day and write. Her enthusiasm for all she does clearly bubbles over.
Great interview, Dot.
Good to meet you Pauline
Kit- I would love to sit in the sun all day and write too, she is a very lucky lady!
Carole- Thank you!
I have never met a sunnier lady and have you seen the size of that wine glass on the front cover of Sometimes It Happens? Lovely interview, enjoyed reading it and will be back again in the future!
Thank you all for your fabby comments and thank you Dot for having me here, it is great to meet your friend too.
Have a sunny weekend... :) xx
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