Dominique Brady is working as a waitress in a burger restaurant when she falls for Brendan Delahaye and his charming family. Dominique soon becomes Mrs Delahaye, and, in time, glamorous wife to an incredibly successful businessman. Through thick and thin the Dazzling Delahayes stand by each other, but when Dominique's carefully constructed world suddenly falls apart, she is faced with problems, no-one can solve, especially not the family she has come to think of as her own. It's time for Dominique to take control of her own destiny...

Sheila O'Flanagan is a brilliant story teller, the book has a fair few story lines and characters but she weaves them together effortlessly.
I thought that Stand By Me was a very engrossing read, it only took me two days to read and was the perfect start to my holiday. When it ended I felt like I wanted there to be more and I would love for there to be a sequel so that I could find out what Dominique did next.
Stand By Me is out now, many thanks to Headline for sending me a copy of the book to review.
I really enjoyed this one too. I hadn't read anything by Sheila before but after Stand by Me I'll definitely check out her other books.
I hope you had a lovely holiday x
One More Page- Me too, I am sure I have read another book by her but I can't remember the title!
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