
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas! Apart from Mr S and I having horrible colds we still managed to have a really good break. I have to admit that I have already taken the tree and decorations down and I am looking forward to the year ahead!
Santa was extremely kind to me this year as you can see from the pile of books that were waiting for me under the tree. Here's what I received:
  • The Behaviour of Moths by Poppy Adams- I have heard many good things about this, I shall probably read this next.
  • Forever Amber by Kathleen Winsor- I have wanted to read this for so long, it always seems to appear on lists of must read books.
  • Dear Me, A Letter To My Sixteen Year-Old Self edited by Joseph Galliano- my lovely sister bought me this for Christmas and it is lovely, I've been dipping in and out of it, certainly makes a lovely present.
  • The Time of My Life by Patrick Swayze and Lisa Niemi- this is the slightly embarrassing acquisition but I am a bit of a Swayze fan so this made it's way on to the wish list!
I managed 64 books in 2009 and I am going to aim for 100 in 2010 so wish me luck!


verity said...

Ooh,lucky you - I did enjoy The behaviour of moths!

Happy New Year!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

The Time of My Life was a wonderful tribute to Swayze; enjoy!

Dot said...

Verity- I'm really looking forward to starting it next!

Diane- thank you, I've heard good things about it!

Anonymous said...

Happy new year, and I hope that you enjoy your new books!
Hugs Bethxxx

Kim said...

Have fun with your new gifts, Dot, looking forward to hearing all about them.

Dot said...

Kim- thank you! I've just started The Behaviour of Moths and it's really good! Hope your new year is going well!

Meg @ write meg! said...

Yay -- you had a great bookish Christmas! I'm aiming for 100 books read in 2010, too, so we can encourage each other! hehe

Dot said...

Meg- We shall definitely have to encourage each other, I managed to read more in 2009 then I did in 2009 so I think I am on the right track!

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

That sounds like a great collection, you were very lucky., I love getting books as presents, I went pretty well this christmas too. Rather than retyping them all, this is the link to my christmas post

I am going to aim to read 60 books this year - good luck with your 100!

All change here!

I have made the decision to stop doing written reviews on here for a little while. I shall keep this page open but for the time being I sha...