“Life is too short to read bad books.” I’d always heard that, but I still read books through until the end no matter how bad they were because I had this sense of obligation.
That is, until this week when I tried (really tried) to read a book that is utterly boring and unrealistic. I had to stop reading.
Do you read everything all the way through or do you feel life really is too short to read bad books?
I used to be really stubborn and would finish a book even if I hated it, this was right up until I started my blog! Then I realised just how many wonderful books there are out there and I felt like I was missing out by spending my time reading something that I wasn't enjoying. I do still try to give a book a fair few chapters before I give up and it is rare that I will start something that I don't enjoy. Some people have a 3 chapter rule but I think you have to take into consideration what type of book it is and if others have said it has a slow start etc. I did used to feel really guilty if I didn't finish a book but now I just reach for the next one!
Hmm - interesting thoughts. My partner and I have a 20 minute rule with films, but mostly with books that I read I tend to persevere. At the moment I've had to persevere with a lot of books for my Virago challenge which I haven't necessarily wanted to read, but it has often been worth it. I'm quite aquick reader though, and usually have several books on the go so it's not too painful. Am intrigued as to what book you gave up on this week!
Verity- I like the idea of a 20 minute rule with films!
It really depends for me. Right now, I'm reading Pride & Prejudice, and I wouldn't have made it very far if I'd gone into it with this attitude. I've never regretted reading any book, no matter how bad it was, because I usually find that I've learned SOMETHING from reading it. But I think I may need to become more picky, because I have SO MANY book I want to read! I am glad I stuck with Pride & Prejudice, because I'm starting to enjoy it (half-way through), and it is a classic.
I've never tried the 3-chapter rule. Might have to give it a go sometime. Here's mine: http://thecrowdedleaf.wordpress.com/2009/11/12/booking-through-thursday-november-12-2009/
Blakelyn- Glad that you're enjoying Pride and Prejudice, it's one of my favourite books, does take a while to get into though and then it's hard to put down!
I have the page 80 rule which I blogged about when BTT asked this question last year though in a different guise. Lifes too short for books you dont like, which fits into my post tomorrow sort of.
I feel the same way as you. Here's my answer:
Lynne's Book Reviews
I don't have a specific rule, I will try but once I have its done, bad book is gone.
My response
I'm glad that you were able to move on from that. It's such a drag when you don't like a book . I get so miserable.
Simon- I like the idea of a page 80 rule! I used to be so stubborn about finishing a book but now I am the same as you in that I think life is far too short!
Nicole- I get really miserable too if I'm not enjoying a book. Reading is one of the ways I relax and a struggling through a book I'm not enjoying is in no way relaxing!
I try to stick at a book, even if it is a little bit diffucult to get through the beginning. Most of the time it turns out well, but, there have been a few big exceptions when I have almost dropped a book because I read something which really turned me cold...
Life really is too short and I read to be entertained not traumatised.
It is so interesting that you and Nicole get miserable if you are reading something you are not enjoying, Dot. I would have to move on if that happened to me because I would start to think about all the lovely books beckoning to me from my TBR pile.
Kim- I sometimes wish that I could still stick with a book the whole way though but it is rare that I begin something that I don't like so I suppose it's not too bad! My husband always knows if I am enjoying a book or not by the mood that I am in!
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